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Smile... its a New Month!

Every month is a fresh New Start! (Well everyday is a fresh new start)...but... today marks the 8th month of 2022!!!! Say what?!?! When did we go from the New Year countdown to August??? Like... we really only have 4 months left?


Time flies!! Question is... are you proud of your progress thus far? Have you made the changes you needed to make like nutritional changes or showing up to workout minimum 3 days a week? Have you made changes to get more rest? Did you work on your goals you set up at the beginning of the year? If not why? Ask yourself why you haven't made any of those changes or why you find yourself constantly quitting? Is it commitment, motivation, not enough will power? Its time to have a pep talk with yourself and get to the root as to why you haven't hit some personal goals this year.


Do you know how often we meet people that are on several medication with several medical issues that can all be resolved with lifestyle change but keep holding off on making the necessary changes till another year? Imagine what you can accomplish in 4 more months of 2022 if you just stuck to showing up for yourself 3x out of the week to a workout... if you drank more water... and if you made some better food choices. Imagine the amount of change you can accomplish! Yes, we know, it sounds way easier than it is.... but its literally that simple. The biggest battle is doing it even when you don't "feel" like it. That's where most people fail. They let their feelings lead vs taking the action steps of getting it done.


Well, at Beast Body we are here to see you accomplish your goals! We are here to see you succeed! We are here for the tears, the laughs, the mini celebrations! We are here to see you move forward, to transform, and to watch you become the Beast we know you are.


So... remember... today can be your day to dial in on your personal fitness journey its a New Day, a New Week, and a New Month.... so why not?... and if not today... why not tomorrow? You don't have to wait for a New Day, Week, Month, or Year to get started. Just get started and watch time work in your favor vs passing you by.



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