Smile it's Time to Dance!
Many People forget that Dance can act as a form of workout! Yes… we might be all cute and bubbly as we start class… but at Beast Body or...

Silence the Noise
Have you ever had a moment in fitness where you saw someone else progressing faster than you? Like seriously, you feel like you're...

What is the Murph?
The Murph was named after Navy Lt. Michael Murphy who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. He was known for doing an extreme...

Is Your Health Worth $29
Most of the time people treat their health like its a luxury. Its the first thing in a budget to cut. Yes... you can work on your health...

The Delusional Quality You Must Have in Fitness
The Delusional Quality you must have is: YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT! Before anyone else can believe it you have to! Before anyone else can...

We Will Not Be Outworked!
We will not be out worked... there is a small % of people that are just pure talented in the fitness world... but the majority are...

Don't Wish For It!
Don't wish for something your not willing to work for. Yes! Life gets hard! But you can either let life knock you down or you can WORK...

What is a Fitness Family?
We get asked often "What is a Fitness Family?" Well... lets ESPLAIN... haha. A fitness family is a group of people who gather together to...

Would You Hire You?
Finding a good accountability partner can be so hard sometimes. Many times they are super excited to help keep you accountable… then you...

When Does Fitness Get Easier?
It doesn't! Fitness is not one of those things where you have arrived at a finish line. Its one of those things you commit to and little...