Stress and Workout
We as a society are over worked... We lack rest... and many times we have a tendency to bombard our day with so many extra activities we...

Ups & Downs of Fitness
Fitness is one area that will show you who you are. Are you someone who often quits, someone who settles, someone who complains, someone...

How to Create Fitness Memories
Your fitness journey should not be a drag!! Hare are 3 ways to make your fitness journey a memorable, fun, and exciting experience! 1....

3 Simple Steps to prevent "I'm Back"...Again
How many times do we tell our selves we "ARE BACK." Back on track, back in routine, back on meal planning & prepping, back at being...

Smile... its a New Month!
Every month is a fresh New Start! (Well everyday is a fresh new start)...but... today marks the 8th month of 2022!!!! Say what?!?! When...