It's so Basic!
Many people think this fitness journey is so hard! But really it isn't. Think about it: Workout Nutrition Recovery Mindset WOW!!!! is...

1 Tip on Meal Prepping
We often think Meal Prepping takes so much time... but reality is, it is a TIME SAVER!!! We know not everyone likes to meal prep or...

When to Walk Away...
Are you getting stronger? Are you physically being challenged? Are you mentally being challenged? Then you stay! Work!... and keep up the...

Blood, Sweat, Tears what Family is All About!
Can we take a second to recognize that sometimes our family become those who are not even blood related... Isn't it amazing that you can...

Gossip... a Quiet Killer
Between the voices in your head and the voices of the people around you, gossip can kill your desires, send you into depression, seclude...

Your Only as Strong as Your Mindset!
No matter your fitness level or where your starting your only as strong as your mindset. This is your reminder to remember fitness is a...

Don't Get Satisfied! Commit to the Process!
By now most people (98%) that set out for their New Years Resolutions have given up, quit, or simply let life take over. 2% will actually...

Happy Valentines Day! Lead with Love!
Valentines Day is a Day of LOVE!!!! No matter if your spending Valentines Day alone, with a spouse, with some friends, your kids, or in...

Lions Roll with Lions
Its hard sometimes to become a part of something, like a community, that can seem intimidating and uncomfortable. But, when you want to...

To the Person Who Is About to Judge
Kat Gonzalez said it best: "To the person who is about to judge.. ..the girl wearing make-up in the gym. Did you know that she never gets...